Thursday, February 9, 2012

February Doldrums

No, I haven't forgotten you.  Nor have I fallen off the face of the earth.  It seems I have been temporarily (I hope!) abandoned by my Muse.  Inspiration has been eluding me despite a few experiences that had definite blog-worthy potential:  a couple of good meals at neighborhood restaurants, encounters with stupid people, humorous conversations around the dinner table, and so forth.  I blame the windy and cold (for Hawaii) weather; as I grow increasingly more in tune with my turtles, I find that the cooler, shorter days make concentration downright difficult.  The desire to burrow under the covers and wait for spring is pretty darn tempting right now.  Or maybe it's just the month of February.  I seem to remember having this same problem last year. So give me a couple of weeks and hopefully, I'll be back.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. The muse, she is a fickle creature. :) Keep her warm and feed her chocolates!

