Monday, January 3, 2011

Resolution Revolution

I definitely need/want to make some changes in my life.  I hereby resolve that this year, I will:

1.  Make physical exercise a priority--that means getting back on a regular dog-walking schedule.  Seems like everytime we got onto a schedule something happened to disrupt it.  Good resolution for both me and the fur boys.

2.  Let go of extra responsibility--I have been advising Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) for 6 years now.  It's time to let someone else on the team take it over and I'm not going to feel guilty about it.  I started the organization from ground up and I'm proud of it.  Someone else needs to keep things going!

3.  Get back to singing--sometimes I can't believe how much of a priority this used to be in my life; work, childbirth, they didn't interfere with the rehearsals, sing-outs or quarteting.  Now, it's pretty much the first thing that gets sacrificed.  Not anymore!  My chorus is planning on chartering this year and going on to compete in 2012.  I intend to be there!

4.  Entertain more--this is another activity that has fallen by the wayside.  I know my friends are super-busy and so are we, but I am going to create events for us to get together for.  Maybe not always the whole gang at once, but a few people here and there over the course of the year!

There it is, in black and white.  It's not a long list but in the words of Yoda:  "Either do or do not.  There is no try."  I intend to.