Saturday, April 30, 2011

Farley vs. Simple Dog

Yes, he really does sit this way!
So my friend L introduced me to a blog site called "Hyperbole and a Half."  Blogger Allie has written several entries about her dog that L thought I would enjoy.  And I did.  I laughed so hard at some of them that I choked on my own spit and had a violent coughing fit.  Now that's true enjoyment!

Allie refers to one of her dogs as "Simple Dog" because, you guessed it, she (the dog, not Allie) is not highly blessed with gray matter.  Since Farley is also not a canine Einstein, I could totally relate.  After reading the entry entitled "The Simple Dog Goes for a Joy Ride," I was actually feeling slightly relieved; Simple Dog made Farley look like a rocket scientist!

Alas, my joy was short-lived.  In an earlier entry, Allie described how she performed a doggy IQ test on Simple Dog by draping a towel over her head to see how long it would take for her to get out.  As expected, SD failed this test.  The other night while I was getting ready for bed, I decided to give my dogs the IQ Challenge!  I flipped a part of my blanket over Rusty's head; he immediately shook his head vigorously from side to side and within seconds, darted out from the opening his thrashing had created.  Then he gave me a dirty look that translated, "I know you did that.  The question is why?"  Suspicious, but smart!

Then it was Farley's turn.  I flipped the blanket over his head and he immediately turned his head under the blanket carefully from one side to the next.  Slight pause.  Then the blanket hump that was Farley sloooowly slid down onto the mattress till he was completely prone.  Longer pause.  I flipped up the part of the blanket covering his face to find him perfectly relaxed, his eyes completely closed.  The blanket fazed him not at all.

I'd say the score is tied.


  1. Oh, noes! And I had such high hopes for Farley...


  2. Truly, he is a Dog of Little Brain. But very lovable anyway.

  3. Shame on you all. Perhaps Farley is the smartest of the dogs. Rather than a knee jerk (or head shake) reaction to the unexpected situation you created, Farley clearly focused his senses and knew he was in no danger. He then decided to fully experience the moment, turn his eyes inwards, quiet his mind and become one with his surroundings. ~ n

  4. N, I so want to believe you but I think the blanket test was the equivalent of putting a cloth over a bird's cage at night--Farley thought the lights went out and figured it was time to go to sleep.
