Sunday, September 9, 2012

S'more Sunday

It's probably a bad idea for me to have too much time on my hands on rainy Sunday afternoons; idle hands, are the devil's playthings and all that.  I blame my friend N. 

 She posted a recipe for Giant S'mores Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies on Facebook (see With pictures. Envision a cookie with a 6" diameter.  Now imagine the cookie with an entire s'more baked into its center.  Yup.  Disgusting stuff.  I had to make them.

E made a grocery store run for me and when he came back with 2 bags of marshmallows, I admit I was slightly puzzled/annoyed.  That's an awful lot of marshmallow when I only needed 4.  Then I noticed that one bag was special:

Yup, flat marshmallows especially made for s'mores!

Perfect for my recipe and the flatness did not change the taste one bit.  I know 'cause I ate about 5 of them.

A blob of cookie dough, topped by graham cracker, chocolate and the nifty marshmallows

A graham cracker topper

Then the whole thing is covered with more cookie dough

A brick of chocolatey goodness!

The cookies had to be placed 4" apart so only 2 per sheet

When the dough started to melt down, I got worried--it looked like the dough was going to sheet right off of the s'more

They flattened out a bit while they were cooling but it was still obvious that something was hidden under there.

A chewy cookie with a gooey center
 I really liked the way the graham cracker maintained some of its crunch, but I did wish there was more marshmallow.  It's a rich, decadent treat that you will probably want to share.  Or not.


  1. O__O

    O. M. G.

    Yet you won't Dobash. Geez.


  2. With Dobash, it's all about the negative associations...

  3. Those marshmallows are brilliant.

    What is wrong with dobash?

    1. Many years ago L and I started eating a dobash that got left in the office--didn't bother with plates or slicing, just started eating. When there was about one slice left we both realized what we had done. Haven't liked dobash since.

  4. Sigh... I wish I wasn't pre-diabetic.
