Friday, October 22, 2010

Flash Fic

My two good friends, L and N, are great writers and they convinced me to give Flash Fic writing a try.  For those of you, who like me, are novices to the art, the procedure is as follows:  we take turns sending out a trio of words then give ourselves 8 minutes in which to create a quick story utilizing those words.  Eight minutes. It's supposed to be quick, fun, painless.  That's what they said.  That's not what it's been.

I have not written for pure, creative pleasure for years.  All my writing is teaching-related, emails or instructions to the family for animal care when I am off on business trips.  When you write for other people's instructional purposes you have to be very clear, concise, and organized.  I've been teaching for 20 years and the amount of editing that goes into the handouts I create for my students is monumental.  Writing step-by-step pet care instructions for 2 dogs, a cockatiel, 2 tortoises and 3 box turtles to make sure they are user-friendly and ensures that none of the animals die from want of care also requires review and revision.  This writing off the top of my head stuff, with a minimal of editing or the benefit of time to let ideas simmer and's tough.  Not to mention scary.

I was pleasantly surprised with my first attempt. I utilized the requisite 3 words and went just slightly over the allotted 8 minute time frame.  In addition, I was happy with the characterization and the development of a plot with future potential.  Not too bad for a greenhorn.  But the problem with Flash Fic?  There's always another round. 

The 3 words for the second round were submitted by yours truly; I selected words that popped into my head during a shower:  grin, spice and arrogant.  Why these words would come to me in a shower is best left to the imagination.  I refuse to self-analyze too deeply.   Well, I have just completed my second installment and found to my dismay that it was even more challenging to write than the first.  That's because I was too proud of my first attempt and have now set a personal standard that will forever need to be met or beaten. I have upped my own ante.  And it's only the second round...


  1. Quick and fun, yes. I'm fairly sure the word "painless," however, was not used. ;-) You're a natural, keep raising the bar! \0/

  2. Hmmm--I think it was slipped in there somewhere to encourage me to give it a try! :-) The things we do to each other...

  3. *I* never said "painless"

  4. :p ~~ (psst, the above anonymous is N)N

  5. Haha! I was sure it was L! Okay, let's just go with: no one actually verbalized it but it was implied!

    You and L are going to have to figure out some form of maintaining your anonymity publicly but letting me know who you are!
