Sunday, September 9, 2012

S'more Sunday

It's probably a bad idea for me to have too much time on my hands on rainy Sunday afternoons; idle hands, are the devil's playthings and all that.  I blame my friend N. 

 She posted a recipe for Giant S'mores Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies on Facebook (see With pictures. Envision a cookie with a 6" diameter.  Now imagine the cookie with an entire s'more baked into its center.  Yup.  Disgusting stuff.  I had to make them.

E made a grocery store run for me and when he came back with 2 bags of marshmallows, I admit I was slightly puzzled/annoyed.  That's an awful lot of marshmallow when I only needed 4.  Then I noticed that one bag was special:

Yup, flat marshmallows especially made for s'mores!

Perfect for my recipe and the flatness did not change the taste one bit.  I know 'cause I ate about 5 of them.

A blob of cookie dough, topped by graham cracker, chocolate and the nifty marshmallows

A graham cracker topper

Then the whole thing is covered with more cookie dough

A brick of chocolatey goodness!

The cookies had to be placed 4" apart so only 2 per sheet

When the dough started to melt down, I got worried--it looked like the dough was going to sheet right off of the s'more

They flattened out a bit while they were cooling but it was still obvious that something was hidden under there.

A chewy cookie with a gooey center
 I really liked the way the graham cracker maintained some of its crunch, but I did wish there was more marshmallow.  It's a rich, decadent treat that you will probably want to share.  Or not.